Our purpose is supporting early childhood services, families, communities and our other partners to ensure every Queensland child makes a strong start to their education. Our responsibility is approving and regulating services under national and state
legislation, funding
early years services such as
Early Years Places for children and families, and driving national reforms, including the following.
National Quality Framework
Most early childhood education and care services in Queensland are regulated under the
National Quality Framework.
Access to free kindy
Kindergarten, known as kindy, is a part-time educational program for children in the year before Prep. Kindy is 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year and as of 1 January 2024, is free for Queensland children attending a government-approved kindergarten program.
Kindergarten programs are offered in long day care services and sessional kindergarten services. Sessional kindergartens operate during school hours each school term, whereas long day care services can provide a kindergarten program as part of their extended hours of care.
State Delivered Kindergartens deliver quality kindergarten programs in rural and remote communities and areas of need.
Early Childhood Workforce Strategy 2023–27
Queensland Early Childhood Workforce Strategy will deliver a sustainable, qualified early childhood (EC) workforce who are recognised for their contribution to quality outcomes for children.
The department is working with the EC sector to implement the co-designed strategy.
Other initiatives
The early years count
For tips, activities and information to support your child’s learning and development, go to the
Early Childhood Education and Care website.
Successful transitions to school
Promoting a successful transition for children and families from home or early childhood education to school, including leading the:
Inclusion ready: enhancing inclusive practices, pathways and partnerships
inclusion page on the Early Childhood Education and Care website is a collection of evidence-informed resources to support the work of educators and services in the early childhood education and care sector.