Concept image, subject to change.
The Department of Education is committed to investing in education infrastructure to create and improve learning areas across the State. As part of this investment, the department is refurbishing the original administration building (Block A) at Veresdale Scrub State School.
Block A was identified as no longer fit for purpose in 2021 and 2 options for its future were presented to the community by the department as part of a consultation project in 2022.
Option 1 was to restore the existing administration building by rectifying the structural issues. Option 2 was to remove the current building and replace it with a new, fit-for-purpose administration facility.
Throughout the 3-week consultation process, it evolved that the community broadly supported a merging of the 2 options (retaining Block A for a different purpose while building a new administration). Funding has been secured to proceed with the refurbishment of the original administration building (Block A).
The department has developed the design and site plans for Block A using the feedback collected throughout the consultation. View the site plans in the
community information flyer.
The refurbishment will reinstate the existing visual appeal of the original building. The adjacent play shed will also be restored as part of this project.
Once the project is complete, Block A will be utilised as a resource centre. Administration will continue to operate out of the existing Block B.
The project is out for tender on
QTender and closes on 27 November 2024.
Work will commence on site in mid-December 2024, once a construction contract has been finalised. The refurbishment is expected to be completed in April 2025, weather dependant.
Questions about the refurbishment works can be sent to