A new state school for Holmview, previously described as Bahrs Scrub, was originally planned to open for Term 1 2026.
Timing for the school opening has been delayed to 2027, to address issues raised in the planning phase.
The new school will increase capacity in the local school network and provide enrolment relief to surrounding schools.
Project timeline
Project status
- The department has acquired land for the new school.
- This project is in the design phase.
What's next
- The school design will be finalised.
- Traffic, vegetation, acoustic, storm water and other impacts on the site will be considered.
- Construction is forecast to commence on site mid-2025.
School location

Fast facts
Scheduled opening
January 2027
Year levels
Prep to Year 6
Wuraga Road, Holmview
Subject to detailed design and contract award
Jobs created
Subject to detailed design and contract award
To be appointed