
Go for Gold Fund


The Go for Gold Fund is a targeted strategy to improve sports performance preparation for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Queensland Government has committed $100 million over 4-years to build and upgrade school sport infrastructure and provide school sport equipment aimed at increasing student activity and participation in sport across all Queensland schools.

The benefits of the Go for Gold Fund will be spread across schools including primary, high, middle, special education, outdoor and distance education schools.

Program details

The Go for Gold initiative aims to enhance and build new sports infrastructure in schools for students and local communities across Queensland to encourage greater participation in sport. It will also provide sports equipment for state and non-state schools across the state.

Delivered through an application process for schools, the initiative provides opportunities for investment in projects such as:

  • sports equipment to increase student activity, participation in sports or active engagement in learning at schools
  • 5-sport marking for indoor or outdoor sports facilities
  • multi-purpose courts
  • synthetic pitches to facilitate athletics and field sports
  • refurbishment of outdoor court surfaces
  • upgrades to ovals
  • investment opportunities for emerging sports
  • infrastructure to support increased sports participation.

Go for Gold funding will be prioritised to encourage schools to facilitate community use of school sports facilities to increase the impact of this investment.

Priority will be given to investment in locations, such as those outside South-East Queensland, where enhanced or new infrastructure will increase active pathways in communities that may experience lower student participation rates in sport.


The application process and an evaluation of schools' proposals will determine the number of schools to benefit from the funding. Due diligence will be undertaken on scope and deliverability of proposed projects. All projects will aim to be completed by December 2025.

Key milestones of the implementation are below.

Note: timeframes are indicative only and may be delayed due to the volume of applications received. Feedback or updates on applications will not be provided until announcement of successful projects.

Round 2

  • 15 September 2023—all applications close
  • Term 4 2023 to Term 1 2024—round 2 applications assessed, including due diligence on scope and deliverability within program timeframes
  • Late Term 1 / early Term 2 2024—category 1 successful recipients announced
  • Term 1 to Term 2 2024—category 1 successful recipients announced
  • Mid 2024—category 2 and 3 stage 2 assessment
  • December 2025—​planned project delivery completion

Round 1—sports equipment funding

Round 1 funding is now closed.

The first round of funding was for sports goods. From athletics to basketball, sport climbing to skateboarding, the Go for Gold Fund offered up to $5,000 equipment grants for sports from traditional to emerging.

This round focused on providing sporting equipment that encourages active play and increases participation in sports, resulting in the more effective use of existing infrastructure.

Congratulations to all 680 schools that were successful in this round.

Round 2—s​ports infrastructure funding

Applications for round 2 funding are closed.

The second round of funding is for new or upgraded school sports infrastructure.

The types of infrastructure that can be funded include:

  • re-marking or re-surfacing outdoor courts, permanent shade cover over existing outdoor courts
  • outdoor athletic track and field facility, small multi-purpose sports facilities and synthetic grass fields
  • small multi-sports indoor court facilities and outdoor courts.

Funding for new or upgraded school sports infrastructure will be awarded in 3 categories:

  • Category 1: up to and including $500,000 (location adjusted)
  • Category 2: over $500,000 up to and including $2.5 million (location adjusted)
  • Category 3: over $2.5 million up to and including $5 million (location adjusted)

Successful schools

Round 1

Congratulations to the 680 schools that were successful in this round.

Round 2

Category 1—congratulations to the 97 schools that have been successful for funding.


Applications are assessed and prioritised in accordance with the Go for Gold guidelines.


For any enquiries, please email

Last updated 28 May 2024