
Queensland Home Education Unit review


​The department has engaged an independent reviewer to conduct a stakeholder-informed review of Queensland’s approach to regulating home education through the Queensland Home Education Unit (HEU) (the Review).

About the Review

In 2024, changes to home education regulation had been proposed under the Education (General Provisions) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 (the Bill).

Following extensive stakeholder feedback via submissions made to the Education, Employment, Training and Skills Committee (EETSC), on 15 April 2024, the Minister for Education announced:

  • that the government would make changes to a number of aspects of the Bill including removal of provisions relating to home education
  • a Review would commence into the role of the HEU and how it can help not only better regulate, but provide important support to families who choose to home educate
  • additional consultation would take place with home educating parents to inform the Review, including through establishment of a Home Education Expert Group (HEEG).

Review progress

The department has engaged Ms Deborah Dunstone to undertake the R​eview. Ms Dunstone is a highly experienced educator and former senior leader in Disability and Inclusion, with a Bachelor of Educational Studies from the University of Queensland. Ms Dunstone was awarded the 2019 Australian Council for Educational Leaders (Queensland) Excellence in Educational Leadership Award and is also a recipient of an Australia Day Medal for her work in rural and remote Queensland.

Ms Dunstone will lead the Review, which will:

  • consider the diverse experience and needs of home educating parents
  • identify any gaps and areas for improvement in the approach to regulation, education and support of home educators
  • provide recommendations, where appropriate, to enhance the effectiveness of regulation, including supports for home education parents, options to engage more broadly with home educators in the absence of a peak body and other supportive activities within the existing legislative framework of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006.

The terms of reference for the Review of the HEU is now available.

The Home Education Expert Group

The HEEG is being established to inform the Review. It will:

  • provide a forum to share with and learn from the home educating parent community and better understand their experiences of home education in Queensland
  • consider topical issues highlighted through consultation on the Bill, such as delivery of a high-quality education and provision in the best interests of the child
  • broadly consider home education regulation
  • provide perspectives about supports for home education parents
  • consider possible approaches for consultation with the home education sector following the Review.

The HEEG will be representative of home educating parents in Queensland with 12 parent members selected via an expression of interest process. The HEEG terms of reference is available.

The HEEG will also comprise up to 3 nominee members from established home education sector representative organisations. Additionally, up to 3 observers with relevant expertise in curriculum, disability and/or flexible learning will be nominated by the department or invited from a relevant government agency.

If you have any questions regarding the Review or HEEG, you can email​

Last updated 25 June 2024