
Queensland Teaching Workforce Strategy


Teacher attraction and retention are national priorities, and in Queensland we have additional and unique challenges due to our large and geographically dispersed state.

The Queensland Teaching Workforce Strategy (PDF, 6.3MB) seeks to build, support and sustain a highly valued professional teaching workforce, that represents and supports the students they educate and the communities they serve across our state. It also demonstrates how the Queensland education sector is working together to give every Queensland student the opportunity to learn from great teachers, regardless of where they live or attend school.

The strategy brings together a comprehensive range of programs and initiatives aimed at addressing current workforce challenges within the Queensland education sector, including local solutions to meet changing community and workforce needs, and targeted actions to encourage and empower First Nations educators.

Key pillars

This strategy features a range of immediate actions and long-term commitments designed to inspire more people to join the teaching profession, to attract more teachers to our schooling systems, and to keep them teaching and enjoying it by modernising our approaches and allowing them to teach in contemporary and flexible ways.


Attracting more people to teaching


Recruiting and mobilising teachers to where they are needed


Supporting teachers and retaining them for longer

Last updated 27 September 2024