As a computer network technician, you have the qualifications and skills to maintain and expand the school's computer network and share your expertise in its use with staff and students.
You will work closely with both the administration team and teachers to promote digital learning and resolve system issues as they arise. You must undertake core induction requirements and you are encouraged to familiarise yourself with the structure and policies of the department as well as local school policies and procedures.
You are classified as a member of the non-teaching staff - all non-teaching staff must undergo a
Working with Children Check and hold a Blue Card to work in a school.
Role description
Your role will focus on technical learning and administrative networks, but you will also be called upon to explain and demonstrate aspects of systems to teachers, students and support staff.
You will find detailed generic information in the relevant role description for your classification level.
Line manager
Your line manager will be the Head of Department (HOD) Learning Technology, or another officer delegated by your principal. Regional computer technicians may be available to provide technical support.
Employment conditions
Your conditions of employment are derived from the
award and the current certified agreement for your position as indicated on your role description.
Professional interactions
You may have friendly relationships with families that are part of the school community. It is important that you do not discuss students, their progress or behaviour with anyone other than the students' teachers.