The department is building Queensland’s future by empowering confident and creative lifelong learners through a student-centred approach to learning and wellbeing.
In 2022-23, the department achieved an operating surplus of $144.661 million (1.2%) against a total departmental controlled budget of $11.792 billion. Key investments and initiatives included the following.
- The launch of the Education Futures Institute, which will have a statewide focus through elevating and aligning the delivery of a comprehensive range of capability and wellbeing initiatives across Queensland state education.
- Continued delivery of capital programs, including opening new schools, building modern fit-for-purpose facilities to accommodate changes in educational needs, targeting high-priority needs for the safety of students and staff, and renewing existing school infrastructure.
- Investment to link industry and local high schools to provide students with pathways into rewarding careers and confidently transition into the world of work under the Local Schools, Local Jobs election commitment.
- Transitioning to a new resourcing model for students with disability.
The department’s material financial statement balances reflect our large school land and buildings portfolio across over 1,260 state schools and the payment of salaries for our school, regional and central office full-time equivalent (FTE) employees who number in excess of 76,000. Supplies and services expenses were dominated by curriculum resources, school utility costs and the maintenance and upkeep of our large asset base.
In accordance with section 77(2)(b) of the
Financial Accountability Act 2009 (Qld), I have provided the Director-General with a statement regarding the financial internal controls of the department in line with section 54 of the Financial and Performance Management Standard 2019 (Qld). As the Chief Finance Officer, I have therefore fulfilled the minimum responsibilities as required by section 77(1)(b) of the
Financial Accountability Act 2009 (Qld).
Duncan Anson
Assistant Director-General and Chief Finance Officer, Finance, Procurement and Facilities Division
The following financial summary provides an overview of the department’s financial results for 2022–23. For a comprehensive set of financial statements covering all aspects of the department’s activities, see the Financial Statements section. No totals have been adjusted for commercial-in-confidence requirements.
Controlled financial performance
The department recorded an operating surplus of $144.661 million for 2022–23. The table summarises the financial results of the department’s operations for the last 3 years.
Table 2: Summary of financial performance
| 10,163,456 | 10,982,740 | 12,174,102 |
| 10,006,139 | 10,823,544 | 12,029,441 |
Operating surplus/deficit
157,317 |
159,196 |
The department received $12.174 billion for our controlled operations, an increase of $1.191 billion from last year.
Departmental controlled services revenue (appropriation) increased by $1.126 billion. This was largely due to additional funding for a range of school education related initiatives, election commitments, enterprise bargaining outcomes, increased funding to support kindergartens, funding to meet additional depreciation expenditure, as well as increased Commonwealth Government funding under the National School Reform Agreement and associated Bilateral Agreement.
Figure 1: Controlled income 2022–23
Appropriation revenue | 93.31
| 11,359,775
User charges and fees | 3.95
| 480,699
Grants and other contributions | 1.93
| 235,035
Other | 0.81
| 98,593