


ConnectED is the fortnightly e-newsletter for all Department of Education (DoE) staff. It is the only must-read e-newsletter for all DoE staff and is distributed on Tuesdays each fortnight during school terms.

Looking for something in a past edition of ConnectED? Download the spreadsheet (XLSX, 196KB) to search by topic.

We are making changes based on your feedback. See the frequently asked questions for details.


ConnectED – 25 March 2024 External link

Read about the planned OneSchool outage, the Red tape reduction survey, short-term employment opportunities in regions and schools and more.

ConnectED – 11 March 2024 External link

Read about fire safety advisor visits to schools, classroom resources and event ideas for Harmony Week, Growing Global Competence Fund information sessions and more.

ConnectED – 25 February 2025 External link

Read about the administration of medications online training, Rural and Remote Education Access Program funding, Starting Successfully masterclasses and more.

ConnectED – 11 February 2025 External link

Read about red tape reduction, Regional Connect news, Growing global competence fund, and more.

ConnectED – 28 January 2025 External link

Read about Day 8, 2025 mandatory training, Red Tape Reduction initiatives, Generative AI in education sessions and more.​

ConnectED – 10 December 2024 External link

Please consider your school’s security plan in preparation for the holidays. Updated versions of the End of term security checklist and the End of term security checklist – teacher housing are available and can be completed electronically.​

ConnectED – 26 November 2024 External link

From Term 1, 2025, ITD department staff must complete a physical walk-through inspection of practical workshops at least once monthly. HODs or principals must regularly review checklist outcomes.​

ConnectED – 12 November 2024 External link

A reminder that your school is required to have a sun safety policy that meets the mandatory requirements of the Sun safety in state schools procedure.​

ConnectED – 29 October 2024 External link

Especially at the end of Term 4, gifts may be offered to you in appreciation. Before accepting a gift, please consider the implications of accepting it.​

ConnectED – 15 October 2024 External link

Get ready for the changes to academic reporting from 2025. Review the updated reporting scales and descriptions that will be used for achievement, behaviour and effort reporting regardless of the Australian Curriculum version.

ConnectED – 1 October 2024 External link

A number of changes were made to policies and procedures at the beginning of Term 4. These changes relate to the student resource scheme and user charging.​

ConnectED – 3 September 2024 External link

Be sure to acknowledge and thank your school’s teacher aides for their commitment and support in the classroom during Teacher Aide Appreciation Week on 2-6 September.

ConnectED – 20 August 2024 External link

Read about upcoming changes to policies and procedures, unity planning for ACV9, Speech Pathology Week, and more.

ConnectED – 6 August 2024 External link

The School Opinion Survey closes Friday 16 August. Survey invitations have been emailed to staff, students, parents and caregivers.​

ConnectED – 23 July 2024 External link

Read about the School Opinion Survey, P-6 reading masterclasses, Master of Education grants, and more.

ConnectED – 9 July 2024 External link

Read about NAIDOC Week celebrations, Fitness Passport registrations, changes to policies and procedures,​ and more.

ConnectED – 11 June 2024 External link

The latest edition of ConnectED is out now.​ Read about, Blue card holiday reminders, Teacher Aide ADO credits, School Cleaner’s Day and more.

ConnectED – 28 May 2024 External link

The latest edition of ConnectED is out now. Read about National Reconciliation Week, updated P-6 example English year-level plans, new Teach Queensland events and more.​

ConnectED – 14 May 2024 External link

The newest edition of ConnectED is now available. TEACHX Awards nominations are closing soon, plus learn how to use your mobile to access the School Facilities SharePoint site.​

ConnectED – 30 April 2024 External link

The latest edition of ConnectED is out now. Read about the annual School information collection, rural and remote teaching opportunities, new professional learning programs, staff flu vaccinations and more.​

ConnectED – 17 April 2024 External link

Get your Term 2 news and updates in the latest edition of ConnectED. Read about pedagogy resources, the release of the Fitness Passport survey, Guidance Officer Week celebrations, new changes to policies and procedures and more.​

ConnectED – 19 March 2024 External link

Stay up-to-date with essential news including amendments to the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006, changes to mandatory polices and procedures, Harmony Week celebrations, Blue card reminders and more.​

ConnectED – 5 March 2024 External link

Read the latest news for your role and stay updated with professional opportunities, procedures, events and initiatives throughout the department.​

ConnectED – 20 February 2024 External link

In this edition, we share exciting programs and resources, fresh opportunities for staff, updates to processes and celebrations from across our vibrant and dynamic department.​

ConnectED – 6 February 2024 External link

In this issue, read the essential news for your role to stay up-to-date with new procedures, initiatives, resources, and professional development opportunities.​

1-25 of 42 items


I almost missed the 'all-staff' news

The all-staff news can now be accessed via a button beneath the list of role segments in each ConnectED edition.

When technology allows, general all-staff news will be incorporated into a single newsletter specific to your role, but this is not currently possible.

For the present, read your role-specific segment and the all-staff news.

There are too many links

Where possible, we limit the number of links in ConnectED items to only those essential to the key message. When multiple links are required on a topic, we encourage submitters to update the relevant OnePortal page or create a OnePortal news item where further details can be provided and multiple links included.

There’s nothing for me in this edition

Although we try to include content that will engage everyone every edition, we aim to not over-communicate with you, therefore, not every edition will include specific information for your role. The format of ConnectED makes it easier to identify when there is important news for you.

Make sure you check the all-staff section which contains general content that may be of interest to you, regardless of your role.

Frequently asked questions

Who receives ConnectEd?

All Department of Education staff receive ConnectED via their work email.

There is no need for school leaders to forward ConnectED to other staff, however we encourage you to remind staff to read ConnectED, and discuss important information and actions with your team.

ConnectED is not sent to school and corporate generic mailboxes.

How can I be sure I don’t miss important information?

  1. Read your role-specific section and the all-staff news every fortnight.

  2. The all-staff news section includes general information of interest to all DoE staff that is not duplicated elsewhere in ConnectED. Access it via the button beneath the various role segments in each ConnectED edition.

  3. Your responsibilities may include elements of other roles, for example, if you are a school leader in a small school that doesn’t have a business manager (BM), read the BM and admin staff segment.

  4. All sections are accessible to everyone, so you can choose to read any or all of them.

Based on your feedback, we aim to minimise duplication between segments, especially the school leaders’ and business managers’ sections.

Where can I catch up on information I missed?

Past editions of ConnectED are available on this page, so you can read at any time, on a personal or work computer.

There’s a downloadable index at the top of this page. Search for a key term and follow the links to the relevant edition.

Where else should I look for important news?

Statewide news

ConnectED flags new and changed information with advance warning of changes whenever possible.

If there is confidential or time-critical information that must be acted on before the next edition of ConnectED is distributed, you may receive a broadcast email from a senior leader instead. Broadcasts are only sent to those who need to know or action, unless limited by technology.

Broadcast emails are sent to your work email in much the same way as ConnectED; the subject line will indicate that its contents are critical.

Regional news

Your region’s Connect site contains region-specific news and information for school-based staff, including contact lists, forms and resources. Find your region via the link to Regional Connect in ConnectED each fortnight. Bookmark your Connect site so you can visit at any time.

Regional Connect complements the statewide news in Connect ED.

How do I know which segment is relevant to me?

ConnectED is separated into segments so it is easy for readers to find the most relevant news for their role.

Ensure you are reading the information relevant to you by visiting the roles and responsibilities page External link. Some staff may find topics of interest across multiple categories. There are no limitations to the segments you can access.

Do I need to read the all-staff content as well as the segment relevant to my role?

The all-staff news section includes general information of interest to all DoE staff that is not duplicated elsewhere in ConnectED.

Generally, all-staff content is helpful to know, so prioritise your own role segment over the all-staff section.

Can I read more than 1 segment?

Yes! The most relevant items should be in the segment that aligns to your role, however, your role may require you to be aware of messages for other roles, for example, if you are a school leader in a small school that doesn’t have a BM at your school, you should read the BM and admin section.

You may enjoy being across all the information in every segment, for example, reading the school leaders section could be useful to an aspiring leader. Regardless of your reasoning, you can access all the segments.

Can I unsubscribe from ConnectED?

ConnectED is essential reading for all DoE staff. It is the only DoE corporate newsletter from which you cannot unsubscribe.

All staff should actively evaluate their e-newsletter subscriptions. To review the e-newsletters you can opt-out of, check the newsletter subscription centre on OnePortal or look for the unsubscribe button on any newsletters you receive.

What about early childhood content?

We rely on contributors submitting relevant stories and there are not always messages that cover every subject.

Information relevant to early childhood staff in central and regional offices will be included in the corporate and regional staff section.

Information on early childhood topics relevant to school-based staff will be included in the school leaders, teaching and student support staff or business managers and admin staff sections when appropriate.

As many early childhood providers and stakeholders are external to the department, a range of early childhood publications External link are produced to communicate with them.

Last updated 25 March 2025